A charming film from the Mexican countryside, about two brothers aged 10 to 12 who are told to deliver medicines to relatives in a remote valley. To avoid walking the long distance they borrow the family’s horse without asking, but fail to contol it at lose it on their way. The film is scrupulously realistic and is a coming-of-age story told with simple means, in the vein of Abbas Kiarostami’s work (for example Where Is My Friend’s House?) where the children have to cope with many challenges along the way. What makes the film stand out is the director’s inventive and expressive eye for landscape and distinctive moods – in addition to the boys (who are brothers in reality) delivering very strong performances. red.

Original title Cochochi

Year 2007

Director Israel CÁRDENAS, Laura Amelia GUZMÁN

Screenplay Israel CÁRDENAS, Laura Amelia GUZMÁN

Cinematography Israel CÁRDENAS, Laura Amelia GUZMÁN

Producer Robert BEVAN, Gael García BERNAL, Diego LUNA, Amina DASMAL, Sylvio SARDI

Cast Antonio Lerma BATISTA, Evaristo Lerma BATISTA

Production Company Buena Onda Pictures, Canada Films, Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (IMCINE)

Runtime 1h 27m

Format 35mm

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