In Desounen: Dialogue with Death Raoul Peck erases the line between documentary and testimony thus creating an entirely new genre. And it is in these socio-poetic moments that Peck’s movies are at their most beautiful and vulnerable. Haiti’s mothers grieve their lost sons, lost to the ocean that separates the merciless reality on Haiti from the American Dream. A man returns from France to build up a new existence, while another realises that he never will be able to offer his family anything more than toil and tears. But even during mourning hope is strong and it is this hope that Peck lets shine through. And together with pride and a belief in the future, this gives Desounen: Dialogue with Death the will to strive for the Promised Land.

Original title Desounen - Dialogue avec la mort

Year 1994

Director Raoul PECK

Screenplay Raoul PECK

Cinematography Raphaël MULARD

Producer Jean-Pierre KRIEF, Raoul PECK

Production Company KS Visions, Velvet Film

Runtime 52m

Format 16mm

Links IMDb