This film tells the story of the young man Grigris. Despite having a lame leg, he is the star at local nightclubs in his hometown in Chad. He dreams of being a dancer, but instead has to work part-time as a photographer at his uncle’s shop. One day his uncle becomes seriously ill but the cost of an operation is too high for the poor family. Grigris decides to start working for local gangster Moussa to make money for the operation. At the same time he meets the adorable Mimi. She dreams about being a model, but those dreams too seem far away. js
Mahamat-Saleh Haroun was born in Chad in 1961, and has made films in his home country since the mid-nineties. His first feature film was the documentary Bye Bye Africa (1999), which he both directed and starred in. In 2010 his film A Screaming Man won the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. Grigris was nominated for the Palme d´Or at this year’s edition of the festival.
Original title Grigris
Year 2013
Director Mahamat-Saleh HAROUN
Cinematography Antoine HÉBERLÉ
Producer Florence STERN
Cast Soleymane DÉMÉ, Anaïs MONORY, Cyril GUEI
Production Company Pili Films, Goï Goï Productions, France 3 Cinéma
Runtime 1h 41m
Format DCP
Links IMDb