15-year-old Alex lives with her parents in a small coastal town in Uruguay. Only Alex is not like other 15-year olds. She was born with what doctors call ambiguous sex characteristics, or intersexuality. Until now, she has suppressed the development of masculine traits, but now Alex refuses to continue the medication. Her raging hormones and rebelliousness tire the family, and now they want Alex to make a choice. Therefore the surgeon Juan and his wife Erika, old friends of the family, come to the small town. With them is their son Alvaro, the same age as Alex. XXY shows how traditional gender conventions are still the norm, and the consequences of breaking from the normative. akek

Suitable for persons 11 years and older.

Original title XXY

Year 2007

Director Lucía PUENZO

Screenplay Lucía PUENZO

Cinematography Natasha BRAIER

Producer Luis PUENZO, Jose Maria MORALES

Cast Ricardo DARIN, Ines EFRON, Martin PIROYANSKI

Production Company Wanda Vision, Pyramide Prods., Historias Cinematograficas

Runtime 1h 26m

Format 35mm

Links IMDb