Colombia, late 1990s: Amparo is a single mother of two, Karen (12) and Elias (18), struggling to make ends meet. She balances tough work shifts and the sole care of her children with a string of hopeless romances. Her biggest concern is that Elias seems set on dropping out of school, as the military are forcefully recruiting kids off the street. In the attempt to change the bleak view for her son’s near future, Amparo must take on a journey full of obstacles, humiliation, and dirty money. In a society run by men, corruption, and violence, she has no option but to make do with whatever resources are available to her.
First-time director Simón Mesa Soto impressed us with this powerful social drama, seemingly inspired by the Belgian Dardenne brothers. «Amparo» is Spanish for «protection», which seems fitting when the film revolves around the story of a mother fighting for her child. The story is narrated in a confident cinematic language, which grows increasingly intense the further Amparo has to push herself to save her son.
Lasse Skagen
Simón Mesa Soto (f. 1986) studerte audiovisuell kommunikasjon ved Universidad de Antioquia, før han tok sin mastergrad ved London Film School. Med kortfilmen Leidi vant han gullpalmen for beste kortfilm i Cannes i 2014. Amparo (2021) er hans første fullengdes spillefilm.
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Original title Amparo
Country Colombia, Sweden, Qatar, Germany
Year 2021
Director Simón Mesa Soto
Screenplay Simón Mesa Soto
Cinematography Juan Sarmiento G.
Producer Simón Mesa Soto, Juan Sarmiento G., m.fl.
Cast Sandra Melissa Torres, John Montoya, Luciana Gallego
Production Company Flare Film, Momento Film
Runtime 1h 35m
Language Spanish
Subtitles English
Genre Drama
Format DCP
Age limit 15
Links IMDb
This film is in competition for the Audience Award.